According to Internet Media: MAX, India’s Premium Hindi Movies, Special Events channel and the official broadcaster of the DLF IPL has brought three fresh faces to its flagship show extraaa innings. This show needs no introduction to the Indian masses as it is the first and only cricket wrap-around show which has revolutionized the way audiences consume cricket. MAX is all set to bring to your homes, the excitement, glamour and LIVE analysis of the 4th season of the world’s biggest cricket extravaganza, the DLF IPL, through MAX extraaa innings T20.
The DLF IPL theme song ‘Dum Dhadaka’ composed by the incredibly talented musical duo Sajid-Wajid and written and sung by Wajid is a peppy fast paced track constructed around the, now synonymous with the IPL, bugle sound. Speaking about his composition, Wajid, of the Sajid-Wajid duo said, “It complements the excitement and the extreme IPL mania that grips the nation for two months. It is sure to enthrall one and all and become the song of the season.” He further adds that “the song is a high energy number and encapsulates the true spirit of the DLF IPL.”
The DLF IPL theme song ‘Dum Dhadaka’ composed by the incredibly talented musical duo Sajid-Wajid and written and sung by Wajid is a peppy fast paced track constructed around the, now synonymous with the IPL, bugle sound. Speaking about his composition, Wajid, of the Sajid-Wajid duo said, “It complements the excitement and the extreme IPL mania that grips the nation for two months. It is sure to enthrall one and all and become the song of the season.” He further adds that “the song is a high energy number and encapsulates the true spirit of the DLF IPL.”