According to Internet Media: Here's where we stand, according to the New York Housewives new opening zingers: LuAnn is just getting started, which may mean more etiquette-inspired pop singles that go big in Eastern Europe are in our future. Jill knows who she is and she claims to own it. (As if!) Alex was always a little bitchy opinionated, she's just finally realized letting it out means more air time. Kelly is living the American dream, one mistake at a time. Oh for the love of... And new Housewife Cindy, who claims to have made hair removal sexy, and has baby twins and a Chrissie Hynde haircut, likes things on her own terms. Some things never change: Ramona still can't help it if she's honest and Sonja has retained her taste for luxury, and by luxury she means men who look like a cross between Jason Statham and Guy Ritchie.
Judging from last night's premiere, this is going to be the season of Alex looking pained and radish-necked as she tries to instigate drama with Jill. The redhead will pay! But Jill, desperate to convince the public that she is actually pure of heart, seems bent on killing her new nemesis with acidic smiles. At Ramona's party for new Pinot Grigio — put me down for a case — Jill oozed onto the scene in an Orange County one-shoulder number and a trimmer-looking Bobby. Happy New Ye-ah, Happy New Ye-ah, Happy New Ye-ah, Jill told everyone. At least Simon, who looked like he was on his third bottle of Ramona, was happy to see her. That guy is aces in my book. He doesn't hold a grudge, he's unapologetic about his taste for pink shoes and red-leather accented pants. If his wife denies him a weekday liquor lunch, well then tea time it is. If Jill wants to make nice, then he's ready to drink to that.