Choose home exercise equipment wisely

According to Internet Media:   As the weather improves, many of us start to think of exercising to shed the winter pounds. A question that often comes up is, “what do you recommend for home exercise equipment?” The other question revolves around cost of the equipment. “Is this piece of equipment worth the money?” etc. I’ll start with the second question first. Any piece of home exercise equipment is worth the money if you use it. If you buy a treadmill, it is worth the money if you use it. If you don’t use it and turn it into a very expensive clothing rack, then it’s not worth it.
Picking a piece of exercise equipment revolves around several things. First, what is your goal? Are you trying to lose weight? Continue a rehab process from an injury? Just get back some general strength and flexibility that may have been lost from age and inactivity? Perhaps you recently had a surgery or are planning a surgery and want to be able to exercise and rehabilitate more at home?
How much space do you have? Are you living in an apartment? Will you be exercising in the basement? Do you have any limitations? Can you leave the equipment up or do you need to take it down after each use?
It would be nice to be able to tell you that there is one great piece of equipment in the world that would allow us to exercise every part of our body the right way and allow us to achieve all of our goals in a minimal amount of time each day! Unfortunately, the answer to that question is no. Exercise equipment is as individual as we are.
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