Wednesday March 30, 2011 is the day of “war” between Pakistan and India, but this time war is in the field of cricket. Although both these teams have faced each other before but this time they are going to face each other in Semi Final of the CWC-2011. According to some analysts this match is going to be one of the biggest match in the history of cricket. People from all over world are looking for this match very impatiently especially the people of Sub Continent. We might term this match as one of the biggest game in this Cricket World Cup 2011. Importance of this match can be understand by the fact that the Prime Minister of Pakistan Yousuf Raza Gailani will be there in Mohali, India for watching this match between Pakistan and India as he was invited by his counter part Manmohan Singh earlier this week. Whenever these teams played against each other the match was very interesting. Let us cross our fingers for this match and the result of this mach as well.
Written By: ADMIN