Sprint: AT&T/T-Mobile Deal Will Harm Consumers & Competition

Accordint to Internet Media:   Last week, Sprint CEO Dan Hesse voiced concern about the pending sale of T-Mobile to AT&T for $39 billion. Today, the company issued its official statement on the matter, saying it's not just concerned about its own bottom line, but about you, the consumer.

In a statement released by Sprint, the currently third-place U.S. wireless provider says that the sale of fourth-place T-Mobile to AT&T could threaten the innovation that it says has come as a result of a competitive mobile phone market.

Sayeth the company's VP of Government Affairs:

    “This transaction will harm consumers and harm competition at a time when this country can least afford it. As the first national carrier to roll out 4G services and handsets and the carrier that brought simple unlimited pricing to the marketplace, Sprint stands ready to compete in a truly dynamic marketplace. So on behalf of our customers, our industry and our country, Sprint will fight this attempt by AT&T to undo the progress of the past 25 years and create a new Ma Bell duopoly ”

The AT&T/T-Mobile deal still faces the huge hurdle of federal antritrust review. Sprint says it is urging the government to stop the sale from going through.
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