Insanity Workout: Would You Try It?

According to Internet Media:   I say this from some experience- I bought into the 30 Day Shred and after the first day I tried it, I walked like a sailor for the next three days.
If anything, the Insanity Workout looks even more painful- and with a name like Insanity Workout, I guess you'd sort of expect that to be the case, why?

Here are the ten "Insane" DVD workouts included in the program, according to

    * Dig Deeper & Fit Test: To start, Shaun will put your body to the test and see what you're made of. (30 minutes)
    * Plyometric Cardio Circuit: Burn fat with intervals of intense lower-body plyometrics and sweat-inducing cardio. (40 minutes)
    * Cardio Power & Resistance: Build lean muscle and upper-body definition with strength-training and power moves. (40 minutes)
    * Cardio Recovery & Max Recovery: Shaun goes easier on you once a week so you’ll be ready for the next round. (80 minutes)
    * Pure Cardio & Abs: Nonstop, extreme cardio workout. (40 minutes)
    * Cardio Abs: Do explosive intervals of cardio and core moves for rock-hard abs. (20 minutes)
    * Core Cardio & Balance: This workout lets you take a break after month 1 and gear up for month 2. (40 minutes)
    * Max Interval Circuit: With MAX Interval Training, this circuit is more intense than anything you've ever done before. (60 minutes)
    * Max Interval Plyo: Push your legs ‘til they beg for mercy with power and plyometrics, all at your MAX. (55 minutes)
    * Max Cardio Conditioning & Abs: Get pushed to your limit with this extreme cardio workout. (50 minutes)
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